Monday 5 September 2011

pathetic LILO

LILO, I think it's better for you to look into the mirror and realise that you're so, so, so, so a FUGLY BIMBO. Just found out about this today and I really think you need counselling, or please find a psychiatrist to solve you mental disorder problem. Yes you are an attention seeker, and yes, you are pathetic.
The pictures shown below is two images of LILO, one is before the surgery, and another is after the surgery. Seriously MAKCIK TUA WANNABE, and fius otak kau da terbakar. Surgery yang paling gagal should I say..
I feel sorry for you AHSOH, you're rich but totally stupid to the max takleh nak nafikan lagi. I prefer ur freckles face rather than ur latest MAKCIK TUA face. 

Freckles LILO
LILO and STITCH, or should I say, STITCH only?

Bye bye for now~